pobject > ppage

NLS Data

(string) $nlsdata->page (x)html contents of the object
(string) $nlsdata->summary Summary or description of the object


(string) GetFullPage Returns the parsed full page, including the HEAD
(string) GetPage
Returns the parsed page
(string) ParsePage Returns the specified string, with a number of placeholders replaced with current values
(string) CompilePage Replaces a number of session dependant and location dependant variables with placeholders
(void) ShowFullPage Displays the full page, including the HEAD
(void) ShowPage Displays the page


(string) CompilePage($page, $nls="")

(string) $page The page to compile. This can be any string with html and ariadne specific urls and session id's in it.
(string) $nls The current nls code (two-letter ISO language code).

This method returns the page content, compiled. This means that a number of things that Ariadne keeps in the url are removed from any links to other pages and images in the content. Things like the language code and session id's. These are replaced with a markup code, which can later be parsed by ParsePage() to change them to the correct values.


(string) GetFullPage($nls="", $source=false)

(string) $nls The two-letter ISO language code, e.g. 'en'.
(bool) $source If set to true it will return the sourcecode of the page, with all special html characters escaped.

This method returns the full page, including the HEAD. The result is already parsed by ParsePage().


(string) GetPage($nls="", $source=false, $full=false)

(string) $nls The two-letter ISO language code, e.g. 'en'. The default value is the current language.
(bool) $source If set to true, it will return the sourcecode of the page, with all special html characters escaped.
(bool) $full If set to true, it will return the full html code, including the HEAD.

This method returns the page content, in the requested language. The result is already parsed by ParsePage().


(string) ParsePage($page, $full=false)

(string) $page The page to parse. This can be any string with html and ariadne specific markup in it.
(bool) $full If set to true, it will return the full html code, including the HEAD.

This method returns the page content, parsed. It will change ariadne specific markup like {arCurrentPage} to the correct current url, including a session id if needed.

The full list of ariadne specific markup is:

{arBase} The ariadne base url, e.g. http://mysite.com/ariadne/loader.php
{arCurrentPage} The url to the current page.
{arRoot} Deprecated. Still here for backwards compatibility reasons.
{arSession} The current session id.
{arSite} The current site url.


(string) ShowFullPage($nls="", $source=false)

(string) $nls The two-letter ISO language code, e.g. 'en'.
(bool) $source If set to true it will return the sourcecode of the page, with all special html characters escaped.

This method shows the full page, including the HEAD. The page is parsed by ParsePage(). To get the full page instead of directly showing it, use GetFullPage() instead.


(string) ShowPage($nls="", $source=false, $full=false)

(string) $nls The two-letter ISO language code, e.g. 'en'. The default value is the current language.
(bool) $source If set to true, it will return the sourcecode of the page, with all special html characters escaped.
(bool) $full If set to true, it will return the full html code, including the HEAD.

This method shows the page content, in the requested language. The page is parsed by ParsePage(). If you want the content returned, use GetPage() instead.