Templates in SVN
Ariadne has support for storing templates into SVN. This short HOWTO will explain howto set it up.
When installing Ariadne 9.1 or later start with step 2
These SVN howto steps were sent in by Gerhard Hoogterp.
if you don't have pear installed yet use
apt-get install php-pear
pear channel-update pear.php.net
Step 1: Get the VersionControl pear module
First of all you have to get Muze's version of this module. Under debian the pear code should go under:
To checkout the neccesary support code:
svn co https://svn.muze.nl/svn/muze/pear/VersionControl /usr/share/php/VersionControl
Step 2: Enable the module in ariadne.phtml
Search in the lib/configs/ariadne.phtml for the following line:
$AR->SVN->enabled = false;
Set this variable to true.
Step 3: Log into the Ariadne backend and enjoy
Login through http://yoursite.nl/ariadne/.
You should see svn commands on three levels:
meta level where you can do thing recursive all the way down.
object template level where you can handle all the templates on that object
tempate level where you can work on the specific template
The svn command buttons use the SVN terminology. So import means "import into svn".