
This module contains a number of methods to help with sending HTTP Headers. The methods here send these headers directly, they are not meant to be used with the ar_http::client method.


(bool) cache Controls whether the client (web browser) caches the page.
(bool) content Sends a Content-Type header.
(bool) disableCache Disables the client side cache.
(string) getStatusMessage Returns a human readable message for a HTTP status code.
(bool) header Sends a HTTP header.
(bool) redirect Redirects the client (web browser) to another URL.
(bool) sent Returns true if the headers have already been sent.
(void) setStatusMessage Sets a human readable message for a HTTP status code.


(bool) ar_http_headers::cache( $expires = null, $modified = null )

(int) $expires Number of seconds untill the client side cache image must expire. If not set
(int) $modified The unix timestamp for the last-modified date of this page.

This method sends a number of headers, which together control the client side cache for most browsers and proxies. The headers are: 'Pragma: cache', 'Cache-control: public', 'Expires' and 'Last-Modified'.

The expires and last-modified headers can be skipped by setting the $expires and / or $modified values to false. The default expire time is 30 minutes from now, the default last-modified time is now.

The method returns true if it could send the headers, false otherwise.


(bool) ar_http_headers::content( $mimetype, $size = 0 )

(string) $mimetype The mimetype to send.
(int) $size The content size, in bytes.

Sends a Content-Type header with the given mimetype. Optionally sends a Content-Length header with the given size (unless $size doesn't evaluate to true, e.g. 0 or false). 


(bool) ar_http_headers::disableCache( )

Sends a number of headers, which together disable client side caching for most browsers and proxies. The headers are: 'Pragma: no-cache', 'Cache-control: must-revalidate, max-age=0, private', 'Expires' and 'Last-modified'. The Expires timestamp is 1-1-1970, the Last-Modified timestamp is now.


(string) getStatusMessage( $code )

(int) $code The HTTP status code to get a human readable message for.

This method returns a human readable message string for any known HTTP status code. e.g:

echo ar('http/headers')->getStatusMessage( 404 );

Prints out:

Not Found


(bool) ar_http_headers::header( $header )

(string) $header The HTTP header to send.

Sends an HTTP header, unless the headers have already been sent. Returns true on success, false on failure.


(bool) ar_http_headers::redirect( $URI, $statusCode = 0 )

(string) $URI The location to redirect the browser to.
(int) $statusCode Optional HTTP status code, e.g. 301.

Sends a Location redirect header to the client (web browser). If a statusCode is given, it will also send a HTTP status header with the correct status code and message. e.g

ar('http/headers')->redirect( '', 301 );

Will send the following headers:

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently


(bool) sent( )

Returns true if the headers have already been send, false otherwise. If the headers have already been send, you cannot send any more headers. 


(string) setStatusMessage( $code, $message )

(int) $code The HTTP status code to get a human readable message for.
(string) $message The human readable message for the status code.

This method sets a human readable message string for a HTTP status code.