This function is a wrapper for the usort function in PHP. It allows you to do custom sorting from within PINP templates.
The function takes 2 arguments:
array: array to be sorted.
$sort_func: function created using util::create_function
returnvalue: sorted array
Example for sorting an array containing RSS articles on the field 'pubDate':
$sort_func = util::create_function(
'$a, $b',
'$time_a_arr = explode("GMT", $a["pubDate"]);
$time_a = strtotime($time_a_arr[0]);
$time_b_arr = explode("GMT", $b["pubDate"]);
$time_b = strtotime($time_b_arr[0]);
if ($time_a > $time_b) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
util::usort($rss, $sort_func);